Section 01


Behind every powerful Reaper is...a normal person


I’m Vea, the player, and I have been playing FFXIV since ARR, off and on. I only recently started playing more full-time for Endwalker. I have found a love of GPosing and Role Playing (even though I’m still relatively new with the RP scene). I also enjoy raiding and doing group content like maps, fates, and venue hopping!I can usually be found online at night as I work during the day (bleh :P). But weekends are up in the air!My OC characters include Vea Riy (my main), Zori Arda (Viera Male), and Haname Dejiki (AuRa Female)Timezone: ESTRP: I ask, please, that you initiate RP only after asking first in /tell if I do not have the RP tag up. Please feel free to start without /tell if I have my RP tag on.I also would like to keep this 18+ with my interactions. While Vea is not naturally lewd or anything, I can’t promise something won’t slip out now and then.Absolute No’s: Cruelty | Character Death | NSFWRP Type: Meaningful discourse, romance/romantic tones, adventure, battles, slice-of-life, friendships.Just as a side note, I’m always looking for some long-term RP partners as I find that fun as a story device. So please let me know if you’d be interested!Connect With Me! I have some social sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Twitch. You can follow me there for more content or just to chat. I always love making new friends! Just click the links below to head on over and check them out!Thank you, everyone!